Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

The Life Is Simple yet Complicated Agony

Confusius once said 'Life is simple, it's us who make it complicated"
Guess what? The man is Goddamn right. For most of the time we, human, always try to create a gray area, the in between black and white area. At one time simply because we don't want to lose both the essence of black and white.
We struggle to find a middle way between black and white out of fear of losing.
We don't want to completely lose what our left hand holds nor do we want to lose what our right hand holds.
Thus making us thinking very hard, complicating things,in justification of looking for the best solution but still doesn't want to lose anything.
Controlled by the fear and desire, we forget that we are losing something more important in life. Time and momentum. Two things that none of in this world can make them both comeback again because God forbid, if time traveler machine does exist, world is definitely at its end.
So why does we tend to make life complicated?

The answer lies inside of our self. I can just point out whatever I feel it would match for the reason, but that would be my own reflection of my own experience when I complicated life by entering the gray area.
It's when I forgot asking myself "What do you really want?"
It's when  I forgot asking myself "What makes you happy?"
It's when I forgot asking myself "How do you really feel about it?"
It's when I forgot asking myself "Why is your fear controlling you?"
Most of the time it's because I am to afraid of letting myself talk to myself and ask myself the one million dollar question "Which hands will make you happy, which hands will make you sad, which hands will make other happy and which hands will make other sad"
And when I am not ready to deal with the real answer because I am not ready to let myself be happy, or let myself be sad or let other be happy or let other be sad, then I will try so hard struggling to find a way, not choosing the black or white, the right or left hand, so that I can be happy, others can be happy.
After that, I am good...for awhile until the vicious cycle comes back to me again. And so I have lost the time and momentum of choosing from the beginning whether it's black or white.

Wait a moment....

Did you just realize that I have just complicated what supposed to be a simple writing?

Now you see my point?


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